Þrounarfelag gives insight into the future.

Þrounarfelag gives insight into the future.

Þrounarfelag gave insight into the future, in a lecture at Rafmennt.
Rafmennt offers continuous education for professionals in the electrical and electronic technology.
In the lecture we introduced ideas on what to expect in the field of IoT, AI, and electrical vehicles. We gave insight into possible disruption of the market, referring to past success stories, where products have disrupted the market, and new markets have come to life.
When the enabling technology is ready, new products can enter the market at an exponential rate, following an S-curve, as the cost of production continues to be reduced.
Mainstream analysts often use linear prediction when trying to predict the future growth, and therefore often miss the possible exponential growth in new technology.
The emerging 4th Industry Revolution will contain endless opportunities that can be utilized with proper preparation.